That Fit Friend is a reader-built business and is able to continually produce content through your support. Everything on this site has been bootstrapped by its Founder Jake Boly.
The processes and systems used on this site are intended to elevate the content while ensuring That Fit Friend can stay in business. At the end of the day, we are a business and need to make money to continue to produce videos, write articles, and maintain community relationships on our social media channels.
To help keep That Fit Friend up and running we partake in affiliate relationships with multiple companies. Affiliate relationships DO NOT mean sponsorships and we ensure that these relationships do not have any impact on our reviewing and placing of products.
How Our Affiliate Relationships Work
In our opinion, we think the affiliate marketing scene and landscape are in a royal mess at the moment. There’s way too much blurring of integrity and affiliate relationships set up with the sole purpose of maximizing profits.
This is why [we] constantly find readers being apprehensive of using affiliate links because, at the end of the day, there are way too many review sites taking under-the-table deals and not disclosing them.
Here at That Fit Friend, we have multiple affiliate relationships with third-party companies and through companies directly. We do our absolute best to maintain an arm’s length relationship with them. This helps us ensure that we’re being objective and not letting monetary income influence content.
We explain how we aim maintain these arm’s length relationships in depth on our Editorial Policy page!
That said, products reviewed on That Fit Friend are all purchased with our OWN money and when we use affiliate links in our content we may make a small percentage on the sale.
When done correctly and with a community built on trust, we’re firm believers that affiliates don’t need to be sketchy and that’s why we’re an open book about our affiliate disclosures.
We do not make guarantees to companies nor do we promise coverage even if we’re part of a company’s affiliate network. In fact, our Founder Jake quite literally tells companies, “If your gear stinks, we’re not holding back our opinion and sharing that with our community. If that worries you — work with us at your own risk”.
If a company isn’t okay with that then we will not work with them because they’re not the type of people or company That Fit Friend wants to associate with. Affiliate Disclosure
That Fit Friend participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This program is designed to give sites like ours a way to earn advertising fees by linking to products on
As a small business, we do our best to primarily link to other small businesses but Amazon is frequently used due to their product availability.